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The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

Elijah Cho

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor

Elijah Cho is a sophomore in South Forsyth High School and is very grateful to be able to be in the Journalism group once again. Despite deciding to fully focus on academics instead of joining marching band this year, he’s still doing his best to push through the difficult classes in his second year like AP World History. He loves to write short stories in his free time while listening to video game and anime soundtracks like Professor Layton or Undertale (when he’s not too busy obsessing over character design or plot development). Either that, or you’ll simply find him watching Psych, Youtube, or anime. As you can probably already tell, he’s an enthusiast for music of many kinds, whether he’s listening to 80’s music, metal, classical, or playing the piano or trumpet. As this is his second year of high school, he hopes to be able to have more new experiences including Mock Trial. Although this is his first year in Journalism as the Opinion Sections Editor, he hopes he will be able to write many good Opinion articles and be a good contribute to the team and its newcomers. Check him out on Twitter @TheCho_senOne or contact him at

Spoilers everywhere. In today's society, it is very difficult to completely avoid spoilers and important plot points about Avengers: Endgame. However, there are techniques and methods to ensure a spoiler-free viewing experience.

How to handle Endgame spoilers

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor May 18, 2019

According to IMDb, Avengers: Endgame (often simply referred to as Endgame) is currently the most popular movie out right now and is breaking box office records. It should be no surprise that Endgame is...

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The voices of students. A select couple of students voiced out their opinions and displayed them in words for all to see. All of these opinions vary depending on what they believe to be the most necessary change for their classrooms and education.

Student Opinions: What we wish our teachers knew

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor April 11, 2019

As students enter their morning classrooms sleep-deprived and stressed out, they brace themselves for another routine-filled and tedious day. As they trudge through the hallways of South Forsyth, a burning...

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Learning vocabulary online. In the extra time students have in their classrooms, students are able to have time for perhaps a 10 minute session on Membean. Students are required to work on Membean for a certain amount of time depending on the student's literature teacher.

Membean in the classroom

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor March 27, 2019

Arbitrary. Gratification. Impoverished. Many words like these can be found zooming across computer screens in every literature classroom in South Forsyth. After ten or fifteen minutes, students put away...

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Literacy Day on display. Tuesday, March 12 marked the day South Forsyth High School partook in a day surrounding academic discourse and its importance in the classroom environment. Many classes participated in Socratic Seminars and class discussions.

More than a day for books: SFHS Literacy Day

Posters and wallpapers decorated the hallways advocating for Literacy Day on March 12th. Teachers and students have been preparing for this day to come, and now spectators are visiting classrooms and watching...

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Defense and plaintiff at court. The South Forsyth Mock Trial Team stand together on the courtroom stairway steps for a group photo. They recently received news of winning third place in district and will start preparing for the district round. "For the first time in my three years, I felt like I was on a team that mattered and worked as a team, " said junior Bryan Walker.

South Forsyth Mock Trial Team wins 3rd place in District

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor February 6, 2019

Court is adjourned as the mock trial teams across the county exit the doors of the Forsyth County Courthouse with pride. The blinding sunset shines upon the mock trial teams as they walk for lunch and...

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Anime franchises collide. The most popular and influencial anime franchises are spread out in a collage. Many of franchises have become favorites to many fans worldwide, including Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, and Fairy Tail. "Whether it's tragedy, shounen, or isekoi, there's a genre of anime for everyone and everyone is able to express themselves in unique ways." said sophomore Aakash Venumuddala.

Cultural Exposures: Anime

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor December 19, 2018

Burly men with golden hair shoot energy beams. Ninjas soar through forests at unbelievable speeds. 10-year olds train to be the very best, that no one ever was. These images easily describe Dragon Ball...

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Mock Trial Group Photo. The Mock Trial Team gathers together for a group picture at the Georgia High School Mock Trial Competition last year. Although some members have moved to Denmark High School, the Mock Trial Team has gathered new members and are improving every day for their new case. "It’s a wonderfully fun club that teaches you how to argue and look graceful while doing it," junior Kate Tisdale claimed.

Featured Club: Mock Trial Competition

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor December 19, 2018

Court is now in session as the South Forsyth Mock Trial Team prepare their testimonies and arguments for the annual court case and competition. The South Forsyth Mock Trial Team represents a class of public...

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Political Change through Voting. To make their political voice heard, high school students who are of age cast their ballot and vote as their new responsibility as a citizen. However, for students who cannot vote yet, they can still inflict change by using social media and speaking out their opinions publicly.“We can reach out to our representatives and other people involved in politics to make a change in what we may not like within the policies. Anyone can make a difference, even though we may be young, especially through social media.” stated Junior Isabella Olivera.

[Photo] Staff Editorial: Voting with the next generation

The Bird Feed Staff December 1, 2018

Political Change through Voting. To make their political voice heard, high school students who are of age cast their ballot and vote as their new responsibility as a citizen. However, for students who...

Quiet study time. Today, some of South Forsyth's students gather in the Blue Gym to study or work on any schoolwork in silence. This was part of the new FLEX system that the administration inputed into the IF period. "It doesn't make any sense to me because all of this can be done in classrooms like we used to. Without desks, it's actually difficult to study." said sophomore Mekela Iorio and Harper Mason.

[Photo] Trying Sofo Flex

November 30, 2018

Quiet study time. Today, some of South Forsyth's students gather in the Blue Gym to study or work on any schoolwork in silence. This was part of the new FLEX system that the administration inputed into...

On the football field of Milton High School, the South Forsyth Marching Band gather once again for a group photo. That night, they celebrated as the new champions of the 2018 White Columns Invitational. "I'm excited that I'll have more free time after this is all over, but really sad that my senior friends won't be able to spend more time with us." said sophomore Claire Fletcher.

Winning the championship: South Forsyth’s Marching Band

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor November 14, 2018

On Saturday, Nov 3, 2018, the South Forsyth Marching Band won first place at the White Columns Invitational in Milton High School. The band's 2018 show that won the honor was titled Inside Out, to which...

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German foreign exchange, Lara Herrmann, gives a presentation to the journalism class on the popularity of Schlager Music in Germany.

German students take on SFHS

Students arrive at the Atlanta airport, 4,671 miles away from their homes in Leipzig, Germany. This is their first tour of America, visiting Washington, D.C. a couple of weeks before. They meet their student...

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The journey continues. During my experiences as a writer, journaling takes up a big part in my journey. In this second part of my column, I share my personal experiences and beliefs in the art of journaling.

Broken Lead: Beginning the journey

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor October 3, 2018

Many writers - including myself - tend to picture the image of their writing process in their mind: a confident look on their face, a sharpened pencil smoothly sliding across paper, and the mind overflowing...

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As final exams count as a double summative grade (and a normal summative grade if it is an EOC class), it is most important to develop the best study plan for yourself in order to pass the finals efficiently.

The Daily Grind: The Proper Tools for Final Exams and EOC

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor April 20, 2018

I forced myself off the seats and out of the stuffy bus onto the concrete walkway. I made my way into the same, mundane halls that seemed to blur right past me. Before I knew what was happening, I found...

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Statistics have shown that prom attendance in the Southern United States is the highest it has been with 76% of teens reporting that they will attend the end of year celebration for upper-classmen. (Statistics credited to USA Today).

Are proms worth the hype?

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor April 7, 2018

Ah, proms. The highlight of the year and the big event that ends an upperclassmen's year of hard work. Before prom, it is not uncommon to see students shuffling around stores in search of the perfect suit...

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March 17, 2018 - The Winter Guard gather together for a group photo after winning 1st place at the Scholastic Regional A Class competition.

South Forsyth’s Winter Guard wins 1st place

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor March 28, 2018

On Saturday, March 17, 2018, the South Forsyth Winter Guard won 1st place in the Scholastic Regional A Class competition at Flowery Branch High School in Gwinnett County. "Being together with the entire...

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A survey was taken by approximately 200 of South Forsyth's students about their smartphone usage, with 45% believing that smartphones are mostly used as distractions, while 55% believe that they are mostly used as assistants.

Smartphones: Better Assistant or Better Distractor?

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor March 15, 2018

After walking into the cafeteria for lunch, I quickly find my seat to eat and I suddenly stop and look around for a moment. Possibly hundreds of students like me are also eating, seated in one room, and...

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February 17, 2018 - The South Forsyth Indoor Percussion team gathered for a picture after winning 1st place at the Georgia Indoor Percussion Association (GIPA) competition. Photo used with the permission of Stephen Hendricks and Dixon Pendergrass.

South Forsyth’s Indoor Percussion wins 1st place

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor March 15, 2018

On Saturday, February 17, 2018, the South Forsyth Indoor Percussion won first place in the Georgia Indoor Percussion Association (GIPA) competition at North Gwinnett High School. The SFHS Indoor Percussion...

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As the 45th President of the United States, Trump plans to make drastic changes to the nation in order ¨to Make America Great Again¨. 
Photo used under Wikimedia Commons license.

Overview of Trump’s first year in the presidency

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor February 18, 2018

Although personal opinions of Trump vary greatly, one cannot allow the number of changes that have occurred in his first year to go unnoticed. The first year of Trump’s presidency was certainly a roller...

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Many students across the nation are now given "online learning days" as a way to do school work, despite weather issues.

Online Learning Days: Extra Work or Extra Rest?

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor January 25, 2018

With a slight stretch and a yawn, I woke up and my eyes met the ceiling once again. I started to remove the covers when a sudden gust of chilling wind entered the bed, uninvited I might add. Shivering...

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Speaker Logan Weber opens up his presentation about setting and reaching goals in South's Arena this morning. The Arena was packed with students, forcing the faculty to move the projector and screen  back and adjust the speakers' rotation.

Finding the keys to success through the X-Factor

  Logan Weber, a motivational speaker and a Georgian, paid a visit to South Forsyth’s student body to speak about making goals and following through with them. As a public speaker, Mr. Weber...

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On March 19th, the Muslim Student Association gather for a group photo on the first day of the Muslim Interscholastic Tournament (MIST). Photo used with permission from the Muslim Student Association.

Club Profile: Muslim Student Association

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor December 6, 2017

Number of Members: About 20 members Date of Meetings: Every 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of the month in Room 1328; from 3:50- 4:30 after school. Leaders: Ola Mohammad Club Sponsor: Mr. Thompson  Achievements:...

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The Black Student Union discussing topics of the local black community with a guest speaker. Photo used with permission from the Black Student Union.

Club Profile: Black Student Union

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor December 4, 2017

Number of Members: About 20-30 members; number continually varies. Date of Meetings: Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in Mrs. Bergdahl's Room (Rm. 486); from 7:45-8:15 before school begins. Leaders: Taylor...

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As final exams count as a double summative grade (and a normal summative grade if it is an EOC class), it is most important to develop the best study plan for yourself in order to pass the finals efficiently.

The Daily Grind: Succeeding in Grades, Classes, and Extracurriculars

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor November 13, 2017

Once I enter the sliding doors of the stuffy, crowded school bus and manage to locate a seat, I open my agenda to take a look at my to-do list for the day. I stare at the page for today, completely filled...

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October 21,  2017 - The  South Forsyth Marching Band gathers for a victory photo as the new champions of the Greater Atlanta Marching Festival.

Photo used with permission of Stephen Hendricks and Dixon Pendergrass.

South Forsyth Marching Band wins championship

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor October 31, 2017

On Saturday, October 21, 2017, the South Forsyth Marching Band won first place at the Grovetown Warrior Invitational in Augusta, Georgia. Many hours of effort and practice were put into the band's show,...

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Signs of serious stress that  
should be taken note of would include: gaining appetite, intentional isolation, losing sleep, 
and having unusual negative thoughts or emotions.

The Daily Grind: How to deal with daily stress

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor September 19, 2017

The Daily Grind. My alarm clock goes off at 6:30 in the morning; the unwanted blares ringing in my ears. After forcing my head up, I go over the daily schedule in my head and then I sink into my pillow...

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