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The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed


Teachers proudly observing success. Above are pictured Manju Tiwari (left, and Smita Daftardar (right), watching BalVihar alumni discuss the impact Hindi has had on their lives years after their graduation.  BalVihar strives to teach Hindu students in America how to find context in their life, when religion and culture is questioned. When asked how Shyam Tiwari believes BalVihar is important, he says, "We tought that we should have a program for children that imparts culture,  value, as well as how we celebrate our festivals, and what we do in India."

VHP Atlanta BalVihar: The Connection of Culture from Old to Young

Shreya Mishra, Senior Editor, Online Lead April 17, 2019

After spending eight years as a student enrolled in the VHPA BalVihar program, I became well-versed in the Hindi Language and Hindu Culture. I understood the context of my way of life, and now had an explanation...

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The Tree of Life. German students prepare uniquely designed egg shells, to decorate the tree located outside of West Hall at South Forsyth. The German tradition has been practiced for decades in German tradition, in which a delicate, complex procedure was done to obtain a perfect eggshell ornament. The fortunate students in German club were given the chance to obtain a taste of German culture by practicing this interesting tradition.

Tree of Life: A German Tradition

Douglas Seely and Samyu Machani April 17, 2019

One usual routine in the German club is, for the class to discuss and learn about the many traditions in German culture. At South Forsyth, Mr. Strecker’s German club tends to participate in hands-on...

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Chalked up. Hundreds of students write the goals that they hope to accomplish before they graduate. Each student wrote a different response that eventually covered the entire wall. "We had hoped that the chalk wall would allow people to think outside the box and create some goals for themselves for them to accomplish before they graduate," Anvitha Bommenini, a sophomore yearbook student, explained.

Chalking it up to new dreams

Sadie Rawlings, Co-associate Editor April 16, 2019

Students use twenty-six letters combined in beautiful words in chalk of every color. Hundreds of dreams, goals, aspirations, visions, and hopes stretch across the grey wall outside the lunchroom in the...

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Posing for a royal photograph. Matthew Tesvich and Kiera George stand side-by-side after accepting their titles as Prom King and Queen. Both didn't expect to receive the honor, but were happily surprised for the rest of the evening.

South crowns Prom King and Queen

Alyssa Freyman and Sierra Wamsley April 15, 2019

Students fill Lanier Tech, heading to the dance floor with their friends. Compliments for each other's dresses are heard as the DJ blares out the latest music tracks. April 13th was a night to remember...

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Cooking delicious meal. Making a vegetarian meal is sure to please the people in your friend group or impress your date on the big night.

How to impress your prom date with dinner

Alyssa Freyman and Sadie Rawlings April 12, 2019

It's the big night; teenagers everywhere are getting ready for prom and await the moment to meet up with their friend groups and dates. They finally walk through the doors of a restaurant, ready to eat....

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The beginning of something new. South is excited to have a new medical pathway to enrich the level of education for the students interested in the areas within medicine. South offers this pathway to 9th to 12th grade students.

South’s Healthcare Options: A new medical pathway

Shree Delwadia, Editor-In-Chief March 28, 2019

Everyone has his or her own plan or route they follow in order to accomplish their dreams. Whether that dream is to become a teacher, a pilot, or a doctor; South Forsyth High School is ready to help pursue...

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Learning vocabulary online. In the extra time students have in their classrooms, students are able to have time for perhaps a 10 minute session on Membean. Students are required to work on Membean for a certain amount of time depending on the student's literature teacher.

Membean in the classroom

Elijah Cho, Opinions Section Editor March 27, 2019

Arbitrary. Gratification. Impoverished. Many words like these can be found zooming across computer screens in every literature classroom in South Forsyth. After ten or fifteen minutes, students put away...

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A stunning piece of art. The Trevi Fountain, which is in Rome, is one of the most popular spots to visit for tourists. For the school trip in 2020, students will get the chance to see the fountain first-hand on Day 3.

A cultural opportunity for students that will make them say “Grazie”

Alyssa Freyman, Editor-in-chief March 26, 2019

Students breathe in the sweet air of Rome, taking everything in. From the Trevi Fountain to the scooters that shoot by and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, they can’t get enough and crane their neck in an...

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The outfit with a million words. Each model had something different to say about their style and how it matched their personality. All 4 models had one thing in common; they were incredibly unique.

Southside Vogue: OUR Uniforms

Olivia Waletzke, Staff Writer March 25, 2019

With a school as sprawling as South, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle. We sit in colorless classrooms for hours on end, listening to teachers present. At school, there are limited windows for us to...

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True love. South's cast finishes the musical with a ballroom dance. The former Beast dips his princess in the finale of the play.

South Forsyth Thespians Present Beauty and the Beast

Sierra Wamsley and Oliva Waletzke March 15, 2019

The velvet curtain closes and the lights flicker on. The roaring applause of audience members dies down until the only person clapping is that awkward man in the corner. Characters are welcomed onto the...

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Filled with anticipation. South Forsyth's prom is approaching soon on Saturday, April 13th. Some students are preparing for the night by purchasing their dresses, often finding them to be overly expensive.

How to rock prom on a budget

Kate Haas, Senior Editor March 15, 2019

Students across America spend hours perfecting their hair and makeup, all hoping to turn heads with their stunning look. For many students, this is one of their last chances to bond with their high school...

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Admiring the teams. A wall  of more than 760 football helmets is the focal point when visitors first enter the building. As a person chooses a team, the respective football helmet lights up in green.

Statistics students take football learning to the next level

Alyssa Freyman, Editor-in-chief March 14, 2019

Throughout the school year, students in the statistics classes figure out performance, ability, and probability for athletes and teams of all sports. The workload can be difficult to visualize for those...

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