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The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed


Ready to compete. Charlotte Bythwood poses with Chef Martin, one of South's culinary teachers, and her fellow students on the day of the competition. Bythwood was the first ever Christophe’s Culinary Challenge winner. Her food product, Power Shot, gives consumers quick and long-term energy.

An interview with a Christophe’s Culinary Challenge competitor

Alyssa Freyman, Editor-in-chief May 17, 2019

While most students were relaxing during Winter Break and trying to gather the energy to go back to school, one student was making a promotional video for her latest food product. Charlotte Bythwood, a...

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This bold logo illustrates an annual competition, that allows students to illustrate their opinions about an event in history. Throughout the fabric of time, there have been countless tragedies, and they should be remembered and discussed. South Forsyth students create an insightful documentary centered on desegregation.

Junior War Eagles Win National History Day Competition

Douglas Seely and Samyu Machani May 16, 2019

For the annual National History Day competition, teammates Arnav Rao, Shourya Arashanapalli, and Charan Tiruveedhi diligently composed thorough research on their topic of the year: “Triumph and Tragedy...

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Tossing caps in celebration. For seniors, graduation is just around the corner. A graduation party is a popular way to say goodbye to high school friends and celebrate the new phase of life that they are starting.

Graduation party on a budget

Alyssa Freyman, Editor-in-chief May 15, 2019

Seniors celebrate the end of the school year while basking in the summer sun. They dream about the new part of their lives that is fast approaching: college. The moment soon arrives where their friends...

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The "Q". The "Q" symbolizes  the queer sexuality, and the LGBTQIA community, that has been ostracized and criticized for decades. The "Q" embodies uniqueness, in that it is specific to that individual, describing anyone that is a part of the LGBTQIA community.

A Rainbow Revolution

Samyu Machani and Lauren Holiday May 14, 2019

Throughout history, leading up to modern society, heteronormativity has been preventing society from embracing open-mindedness - it serves as a safety net to fall back to for many. There lies a world...

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Sweet Tooth. Sugar is everywhere around us, and can be hard to avoid. By eating minimal amounts of added sugars in processed foods and desserts, you can lower the risk of having diabetes. You can replace desserts with sweet fruits, such as strawberries and mandarins.

Diabetes: the silent killer

Alyssa Freyman and Grace Drawdy May 13, 2019

Every day, we try to eat right. We try to avoid sugar - which can be hard for people now that it is in most foods - and attempt to exercise daily. Even with all of this effort, the International Diabetes...

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"Power of Love". Holocaust survivors continue to share their stories today, and it is up to the current generation to ensure that history does not repeat. When Cameron came across the quote online, she knew that she was going to make it the main focus of her photograph. “ reminded me how important love is in society. It needs to be the core of who we are. Without it, we are bound to repeat history.”

The Power of Love

Samyu Machani and Douglas Seely May 12, 2019

The world remembers the Holocaust on its 72nd anniversary. A mass genocide that occurred during World War 2, it still weighs in the hearts of many. Cameron Ferenchik, a junior at South Forsyth, entered...

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Waiting in anticipation. Seniors wait outside of Six Flags, waiting to get on rides and eat at the buffet. The senior class president planned the event.

Seniors celebrate at Six Flags

Alyssa Freyman, Editor-in-chief May 5, 2019

Students run into the park with their friends, trying to decide where to go next at the amusement park. Others scream in delight as they twist in turn on the rides. The moonlight glows over those in the...

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Helpful, sweet, kind. These puppies are making a difference; they go from being only a couple months old at a school to 2 years old, helping someone who needs them. On Wednesdays during lunch, these puppies have greeted students in the atrium.

Therapy dogs in South Forsyth High School

Kayleigh Emberton, Senior Editor April 30, 2019

A golden lab lays on the floor chewing on a neon green toy. Her tail wags harder when students approach with smiles on their faces. Seeing a furry friend causes a student's anxiety and stress to nearly...

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A world of opportunities. Mr. Holmes, a World Geography teacher, often uses the boards to display maps to his class. The boards have changed the way many teachers use their everyday class time.

ClearTouch boards change the learning game at South

Shree Delwadia and Naisha Roy April 30, 2019

This year, the school installed new ClearTouch boards in every classroom at South Forsyth High School. These boards provide an interactive, sleek interface for both students and teachers. As time goes...

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Participating in internet courses. Students are swarming to take online courses. Online classes help you create flexibility in your schedule or help get pre-requirements for other courses.

Technological takeover: the rise of online classes

Grace Drawdy, Editor-in-Chief April 23, 2019

Students spend each and every day wishing for the time that they can get out of school and go home. Most people sit in their classes, listening to the teacher lecture for hours on end. But what if there...

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Teachers proudly observing success. Above are pictured Manju Tiwari (left, and Smita Daftardar (right), watching BalVihar alumni discuss the impact Hindi has had on their lives years after their graduation.  BalVihar strives to teach Hindu students in America how to find context in their life, when religion and culture is questioned. When asked how Shyam Tiwari believes BalVihar is important, he says, "We tought that we should have a program for children that imparts culture,  value, as well as how we celebrate our festivals, and what we do in India."

VHP Atlanta BalVihar: The Connection of Culture from Old to Young

Shreya Mishra, Senior Editor, Online Lead April 17, 2019

After spending eight years as a student enrolled in the VHPA BalVihar program, I became well-versed in the Hindi Language and Hindu Culture. I understood the context of my way of life, and now had an explanation...

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The Tree of Life. German students prepare uniquely designed egg shells, to decorate the tree located outside of West Hall at South Forsyth. The German tradition has been practiced for decades in German tradition, in which a delicate, complex procedure was done to obtain a perfect eggshell ornament. The fortunate students in German club were given the chance to obtain a taste of German culture by practicing this interesting tradition.

Tree of Life: A German Tradition

Douglas Seely and Samyu Machani April 17, 2019

One usual routine in the German club is, for the class to discuss and learn about the many traditions in German culture. At South Forsyth, Mr. Strecker’s German club tends to participate in hands-on...

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