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The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed


Students in Mr. Pearre's senior class are adapting chrome books into their lessons. These students use personalized learning to reinforce their understanding of the content.

Personalized learning embraced by the social studies department

Lauren Holiday, News Editor September 22, 2017

South Forsyth is making a greater effort this year to integrate personalized learning into classrooms. With only two months of school under their belt, students are just beginning to get a glimpse of what...

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There are five different aspects of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) included in the curriculum.

Social Emotional Learning joins with Habitudes

Kate Haas, Senior Editor September 22, 2017

This year at South Forsyth, SFHS counselor, Corinna Spurlock has created a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) class for teachers to better understand their student's emotions. This class is directed towards...

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A 9th grade Biology teacher, Ms. Peace, is happy to share her feelings on safe places.

Safe places with Ms. Peace

Sierra Wamsley, Editor-in-Chief September 19, 2017

        One of the struggles for students is finding a safe person to trust when it comes to mental health. With September being Suicide Awareness month, I interviewed students asking if there was...

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Therapy dogs Sophie (left) and Brutus (right) are preparing to go throughout the school with counselor Mrs.Frankel (middle) and visit classrooms where students will be able to interact with the dogs.

Therapy dogs and their positive effects on students’ well-being

Erin Murtha, Staff Writer September 15, 2017

Have you noticed the cute, loving, and nurturing dogs around the school? These dogs are actually therapy dogs and are trained to assist students through stressful times. Mrs. Frankel, the owner of the...

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