Student voices on immigration


The wall that Donal Trump is building will separate the US and Mexico and prevent illegal immigration.

President Trump’s controversial immigration plan has brought a lot of mixed reactions throughout the country. Some say that it will force innocent, law-abiding immigrants out of their homes and into a country where they would be met with less opportunity to succeed. It could separate children from their mothers and divide loving families. Others feel that this country needs a strict border and that a lenient immigration policy would not filter out the immigrants with less than honorable intentions from the noble immigrants who are just seeking a better life. Students at South Forsyth High School have voiced their opinion on the status of immigration reform brought by the Trump administration and how it will affect our country.

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¨I think there could be a more effective way¨

¨I definitely don’t think that DACA should be removed. I think because kids that are born here that have lived in the US their entire lives they don´t know any better and to put them into a foreign country where their parents are from it takes their opportunities away and they have to leave their homes. With our circumstances now it is so hard for people to get in[to our country] right now legally and they have lived here their entire lives. ¨

¨There are always ways to get past the system but I don’t think it’s going to stop immigration from just happening. But that’s also another thing, it’s going to take a while to build the wall so for that to be implemented it’s not going to be a sudden change.

— Diya Kamath


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“This country depends on immigration”

“[The wall] will be very effective because it will keep criminals out of our country.”

“That’s the only difference, DACA aids people who come here with a serious goal to improve and then those people are not criminals they have received DACA for a reason, they actually help the country.”

“I feel that people will always find a way to get in[to the country].

— Cat Hinojoza


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“In theory I think it sounds like a good idea but I feel like it’s not the best idea… I think there is a better idea instead of physically putting a wall between cultures”

“Depending on the structure of it and the way people [accept it], people could vandalize it and break it down to go through it, so putting a real wall there, in theory, will not work because people are destructive and tend to do what they want”

“DACA needs to stay in place because if they’re born here they are US citizens, they deserve to stay, they have their citizenship. You’re changing their whole life, everything they have ever know is here”

“The wall is just going to separate families”

“It will change how people view America, how people view Mexico.

— Lucy Taylor