Queens For A Day: How SoFo MET New York

Homecoming week brings lots of exciting activities. Many people’s favorite part of the week is the HoCo football game. This year’s homecoming matchup for the War Eagles was against the West Forsyth Wolverines. There was a lot on the table for this game as not only was it the homecoming game, but it was also a region game.
The South Forsyth players knew how important this game was and they wanted to do everything they could to get a win for the team. The South players knew that West’s football team was good, but they were ready to give it their all.
Last time South took on West, it was a sad defeat for the War Eagles that lost by a score of 38-13. South was looking to change things around this year but it didn’t quite go to plan.
West’s offense was having a spectacular night that saw them put up 24 points in just the first half. South’s quarterback Will Watkins and wide receiver Harrison Spencer tried to connect multiple times but it just wasn’t in their favor. Going into halftime, South was down 24-0. The War Eagles knew that they needed a big second half performance to ensure the fans would go home happy on this special homecoming game night.
In the second half, South still couldn’t seem to get their offense up and running. The defense tried to do everything they could to keep the Wolverines out of the endzone. West ended up scoring two more touchdowns in the half. This put their score at 38. The War Eagles continued for the rest of the night to move the ball into scoring position.
The War Eagles ended up getting shut out in this game by a score of 38-0. It wasn’t the score line anyone was hoping or intending for, but the players and coaches tried their best. Although the game didn’t go the way South fans were hoping for, the night was packed full of fun and entertaining homecoming festivities such as the HoCo court and the band performances.
However, there were some positives to the game. The football team had a lot to take away from the game to learn from, work and improve on. It was a night to remember for everyone, with some bad, but also some good.
Homecoming proposals are a big hit every year, and this year has been no exception. Hoco proposals are both a sweet and heart-touching gesture that anyone will appreciate. From heartfelt flowers to hilarious poster boards, these proposals are a creative way to pop the question and express your feelings.
Let’s Explore These Proposals
Freshmen, Sai Chevula and Aneel Sainj were interviewed on this matter a few moments after their own Hoco proposal; Chevula expressed the joy in asking his favorite girl to Hoco.
“I had so many emotions coming to my mind; I was really scared that she would say no,” Chevula stated, “When she said yes, it made my day.”
“I was given a sign with a quote from my favorite movie,” South Forsyth senior Ella Britt states. “I was at work and he texted me that he was waiting outside for me to get off, and when I went out he was standing out there with a sign and flowers.”
She expressed her thoughts that this gesture was really sweet and super cute. This simple yet charming gesture made a great impression.
Inside joke or romantic?
We asked students at South Forsyth if they preferred posters with a personal inside joke that they share or a more romantic gesture.
“I prefer inside jokes on signs because it shows that the person tried to think about what you would want,” Britt states.
Inside jokes can be a good way to show the person being proposed to that you care for them and remember the little things about them. It can also be a remembrance of past good memories you may have together.
Breaking the norms
Why wait for a guy when you can ask someone yourself? It’s a new era, and so the social norm is changing. At South Forsyth High School, many students are Hoco-proposing to their friends instead of going with a romantic partner.
Not only are romantic Hoco proposals gaining popularity, but friendship Hoco proposals are also a big hit. Sophomores, Nora Elder and Sihi Vivek had a heartwarming friendship Hoco proposal.
“I got my wisdom teeth removed the day before, and she came over to bring me soup and ice cream and then she proposed to me,” Elder states. Hoco proposals to friends can strengthen your friendship and are great if you don’t have a date.
After the Hoco proposal, Elder states, “I felt absolutely amazing because I love my best friend.” Sometimes going with your friends can make everything so much easier and fun, while displaying the love and friendship you have for each other.
Need a Little Help?
Our experts have come up with cute and hilarious HoCo poster boards you can use to ask out your special someone! From Halloween-themed to your favorite Starbucks drink, we have your back!

How to Really Dress New York
Now presenting South Forsyth’s Homecoming 2024 theme: New York New York
How To Dress New York[/infographic]
Tiktok is the new sensation of this generation. With new events come new trends and new songs to use in your videos.
Transition Tiktoks are one of the most popular videos on this app and many people get creative with what song they use and the remixes that people make.
With Homecoming up, we want to give you creative transition songs to use for your perfect day!
Here is a video of the sounds and transitions that you could use for HOCO day:
The Countdown to Hoco: Fall, Fashion, Fun
Homecoming (Hoco): the searing phenomenon that consumes the adolescent mind of high school students around America from the months of September to October. The weeks leading up to homecoming are filled with themed school spirit week days to boost school morale and unite staff and students. From the football games, Hoco proposals, formal attire, and the atmosphere, nothing feels better than the winds changing and the curtains drawing to reveal fall festivities.
The History of Homecoming
The first ever known “homecoming” was said to be held at the University of Missouri in 1910. The initial purpose was for welcoming back alumni to their alma mater and celebrating the time they spent there with current students. The festivities were centralized around a football game and scattered parties that were sparsely attended. Soon this event sparked a wave of similar celebrations across universities in America, and eventually by 1920, high schools had adopted the event and hosted dances to unite students. Like the current and most common high school homecoming traditions today, the original festivities involved a week-long celebration, dress-up days, a pep rally or school-wide parade, a football game, and lastly the official dance. Now that we know how it all began, let’s review Hoco traditions from our very own South Forsyth High School!
All About The Fashion!
Hoco fashion has changed extensively over the years. In original homecoming fashion, dresses were much longer than what we see today. Dresses have changed from more classic, neutral shades, to bright colors with lots of patterns. Flapper dresses with intricate beading and fringe were common in the early 1900s, followed by a cup style dress in the 50s, slowly leaving behind the conservative image of high school fashion. Teenage girls wore calf length skirts and dropped the neckline down a few inches. In the 70s, students sported long, poofy skirts and often gloves. Eventually, dresses started to get tighter, following girl’s silhouettes more but still maintaining long skirts, represented in 90s homecoming fashion. In today’s society, girls tend to wear short and tight dresses, following various colors and patterns. Teenagers lean toward the infamous “body con” dresses that hug the figure tightly. Longer and less form-fitting dresses are falling out of style as it is not a part of the fashion standard in this day and age.
SFHS Homecoming’s Fashion Focus and Video
Needless to say, South Forsyth high school’s students and staff are buzzing with excitement for the upcoming event! Walking down the main hallway, you will see banners representing each grade’s respective spirit week theme painted to perfection. Taking a right hand turn, the walls are decorated with pictures of our past HOCO kings and Queens like a walk down memory lane. As seen with online shopping carts filled with endless options, weekend dress try-ons, and the plethora of social media posts, our students are determined to find THE dress for this upcoming dance. Now let us see what our own student body’s formal fashion has in store for us tonight:

Homecoming at South Forsyth High School has always been a time of excitement, spirit, and school pride. Over the years there have been plenty of funny and unexpected moments that left students, staff and community members laughing. To capture some of these memorable stories, we spoke to Coach Keith Gravitt, South’s longtime athletic director. Having been here for over 30 years, he has witnessed countless Homecoming events, making him the perfect person to share some of the most amusing moments in homecoming history.
The Pep Rally Potato Sack Race:
One particularly hot day during the pep rally, students faced off against the teachers in a potato sack race. “It was hot as blue blazes,” Coach Gravitt said. The students were cheering loudly, but it was the teachers who struggled the most. “The teachers were way behind and couldn’t catch up, which made everyone crack up,” Gravitt said. The laughter filled the field as the teachers tried and failed to close the gap, making the moment unforgettable.
Behind the Scenes Chaos: The Wayward Floats
One year, the homecoming parade faced a hilarious mishap. The school had staged a long line of floats ready for the parade. However, one of the golf carts leading the parade veered off course. “It took a wrong turn, and then three of the four floats followed it,” Gravitt said. It wasn’t until later did they realized that they were lost and far from the intended route, causing confusion and amusement among onlookers.
The Infamous Bodysuit Streaker
Another unforgettable moment happened when a student dressed in a flesh-colored bodysuit jumped over the fence behind the concession stand during halftime. “It looked like they weren’t wearing anything,” Gravitt said. The student ran across the field, much to the surprise of everyone in attendance, and even managed to evade capture. This hilarious incident became legendary among those who saw it.

The Wind-Tossed Tent
In another mishap, a tent was set up for the Homecoming Court, and their parents were blown away by a sudden gust of wind. “We had just started the game, and the wind picked up the tent and sent it flying,” Gravitt said. People scrambled to catch the tent as it flew across the field, causing quite a commotion. “Everyone was running everywhere, trying to help, but it was pure chaos,” he added with a laugh.
Two Chains Cheney: A Principal’s Spirit
Former Principal Jeff Cheney, beloved for his school spirit, embraced a humorous nickname given by the students during this memorable Homecoming of the past. “He wore a big gold chain, and the students started calling him ‘Two Chains’,” Gravitt said. Principal Cheney took the name in stride, showing support for his students and becoming a central part of the school’s Homecoming spirit that year.
The Evolution of Homecoming Traditions
Back in 1996, South Forsyth High School’s Homecoming looked quite different. “The community was quite into it, and the dance was huge,” Gravitt said, recalling his early days at the school. In those days, the school would set up a large tent connected to the Blue Gym to accommodate the crowds. “We were a much smaller school then, so everyone kind of knew each other, which made it special.”
As Homecoming continues to evolve, one thing remains constant: the spirit, the camaraderie, and the hilarious moments that bring everyone together. From runaway golf carts to unexpected streakers, Coach Gravitt’s stories remind us that South Forsyth High School’s Homecoming memories will continue to make students and staff laugh for years.