Student voices on immigration
The wall that Donal Trump is building will separate the US and Mexico and prevent illegal immigration.
President Trump’s controversial immigration plan has brought a lot of mixed reactions throughout the country. Some say that it will force innocent, law-abiding immigrants out of their homes and into a country where they would be met with less opportunity to succeed. It could separate children from their mothers and divide loving families. Others feel that this country needs a strict border and that a lenient immigration policy would not filter out the immigrants with less than honorable intentions from the noble immigrants who are just seeking a better life. Students at South Forsyth High School have voiced their opinion on the status of immigration reform brought by the Trump administration and how it will affect our country.
Erin Murtha is a freshman and is excited to be on The Bird Feed. You can see Erin spending her time at the lacrosse field, hiking, or swimming as she loves being active. She enjoys spending her Friday nights at South Football games and supporting her team. When she is not playing lacrosse or doing homework Erin enjoys hanging out with friends and watching Netflix. Her Netflix go to’s consist of Stranger Things, The Office, Riverdale, and White Collar or sometimes watching a good Disney classic. Her future plans include becoming an NFL news broadcaster or going into the medical field.
You can contact her at [email protected] or directly message me on twitter @emurthabirdfeed !