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The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed


Athletes at play. The photo above is a representation of what the inside of a Krav Maga Studio may look like during a lesson. The Krav Maga program strives to combine ancient elements of self-defense along with  relevant strategies and techniques to combat possible targets.

Krav Maga Seminar brings violence awareness to South

Shreya Mishra, Senior Editor, Online Lead January 19, 2020

Krav Maga is a world-known self-defense and strength training program that encourages awareness, fitness, and strength in people of all ages. Its origins lie in 1910 when founder Imi Litchenfeld learned...

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Chicago At Night. We rushed to our hotel room after a long day of travel, looked out the window and saw the Chicago skyline. It's almost as if the sky was calming my nerves before the big day.

ATL to CHI, Because Mental Health Matters

Hannah Lucas, Social Media Manager January 17, 2020

Standing in the center of the stage at the University of Chicago, my heart skipped a beat as my mouth opened to tell my story to the 600 pairs of watchful eyes starring back at me. It’s Friday, September...

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Fröhliche Weihnachten! The South Forsyth High School German club poses for a picture. They were joined by the other children who took part in the Christmas festivities.

The German Club brings Christmas cheer with their annual Christmas Market

Kelsey Watson, Staff Writer December 18, 2019

On December 7th, 2019, South Forsyth High School held its annual German Christmas Market, a community-wide event filled with traditional German cuisine and Christmas traditions. The German Club mimicked...

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Questing for excellence. South's Innovation Academy is known for helping its students partake in creative risks to reach their fullest potential. The school participated in the Innovation Academy takeover during the month of November.

Flying into academies: Innovation Academy

Shree Delwadia, Editor-In-Chief December 13, 2019

With students spending around 8 hours or more hours at school, South Forsyth High School wants to provide its students many opportunities to discover their passions. In response to that, SFHS is rolling...

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Apple does it again. At Verizon in the collection, the newest models of the iPhone are on display. Apple has made great improvements from the iPhone X. including updated Face ID features and improved wipe up bar.

Apple strikes again with new iPhone and Airpods Pro

Chris Bunker, Photo Editor December 2, 2019

With over a hundred devices including iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, and more, Apple continues to create more products to appeal to today's generation. Recently, Apple Inc. has released a new line-up of devices...

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A day to honor the veterans that have served. The first Veteran's day was observed on October 25, 2019. This Veteran's day Sergeant McClinton came to speak to U.S. History classes about his service and memories as an Army Ranger.

Staff Sergeant Jacob McClinton shares his service as an Army Ranger

Sadie Rawlings and Kayleigh Emberton November 20, 2019

U.S. history classes file into the seats of the Performing Arts Center (PAC) as they await a special visit from an American veteran. As the presentation begins, the student-helpers instruct the students...

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Captivating Crew. DECA members arrive early to A Magical Morning to prepare for the upcoming families. Julia Bradley and Sarah MacAllaster planned for months as volunteers gathered supplies, bought costumes, and created decorations.

A Magical Morning

Sadie Rawlings, Co-associate Editor November 19, 2019

As the Frozen soundtrack played softly in the background, little Jedis and princesses walked through the cafeteria doors at Piney Grove Middle School as volunteers dressed in various character costumes...

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Juuls are becoming more and more common among the public as the use of vapes and e-cigarettes become part of daily routine. More and more companies have introduced new flavors of vape that are increasing their popularity and public demand continues to grow.

One simple ‘NO’ can save peoples’ lives

Shree Delwadia and Regan Blood November 19, 2019

The simple consent or thought to vape is all it takes for one to join the thousands in today’s society that are part of an epidemic called vaping. Many people can conclude that the rates of vaping,...

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South Forsyth commemorates the fall of the Berlin Wall

Grace Drawdy and Kelsey Watson November 18, 2019

Students filled the hallway, ready for another normal week at school. However, they didn't know the amount of excitement soon to come, all caused by a few boxes. As students entered the Main Hall Atrium,...

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Ionic demonstration. Mr. Steele, a chemistry teacher, uses his ClearTouch board to teach. Throughout the school, a variety of styles lives within the teachers.

Pedagogy is more than a Membean word

Naisha Roy, Copy Editor October 29, 2019

Visual, Tactile, Auditory. Every student has taken one of those learning style quizzes that tells them which way they learn best. But what about teachers? According to Anthony F. Grasha’s book Teaching...

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Spooky season. Halloween is an annual tradition in the United States and many people purchase expensive costumes, increasing sales  for costume stores. However, Party City is not the only place to purchase a costume; DIY costumes are an easy way to save money and still have a killer costume!

Easy Halloween Costumes – A guide for students, by students

Naisha Roy, Shree Delwadia, and Maggie Craig October 27, 2019

Whether it's visiting a haunted house with friends, trick-or-treating around the neighborhood or having a party, Halloween is a holiday for every age. While most teens don't typically go around door-to-door...

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After a long day of work students drop their collecting in the bin out back.

South goes green with the recycling program

Chris Bunker, Photo Editor October 22, 2019

The recycling program at South Forsyth High School has been around for 10 years, cleaning the school’s environment and providing an enriching activity for the school’s autism classes. This program...

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