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The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

The Student News Site of South Forsyth High School

The Bird Feed

Halloween, Pedro Ferreira,, June 10, 2009

Ghosts, Vampires, and Trust Issues: How Lack of Trust is Killing the Spooky Spirit of Trick-Or-Treating

Elle DeHaven, Associate Editor January 24, 2025

Halloween night has been a highlight for children for centuries. Getting to dress up in a fun costume, meeting up with friends and being unleashed onto the streets to collect as much candy as their...

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Large crowds like this aren't uncommon in Seoul, South Korea, which is why the size in the crowd wasn't an issue at first in Itaewon. The "crowd crush" incident claimed approximately 150 lives. (Craig Nagy / Flicker)

Deadly ‘Crowd Crush’ Disaster Strikes South Korea’s First Post-Covid Halloween

Lea Ciccarelli, Staff Writer November 15, 2022

On Oct. 29, thousands of people flocked to the Itaewon District in Seoul, South Korea. What was intended to be a nighttime of celebration and fun Halloween festivities turned into one of the deadliest...

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On Thursday, October 27th, South Forsyth High School celebrates their annual Trunk or Treat. The Trunk or Treat is meant to gather the community together while involving the clubs and organizations of South.

Trunk or Treat! SFHS’s Unique Twist on Halloween

Kripa Madhadevan, Staff Writer November 5, 2022

The crisp autumn air and the excited chatter of little children spread across the bus lanes of South Forsyth High School (SFHS) during their annual Trunk-or-Treat celebration. SFHS Student Council hosted...

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What’s “Adam Sandler Day”? South Shows Their Spirit With Unique Themes

The Bird Feed Staff October 31, 2022

During Homecoming Week, students and faculty at South Forsyth High donned costumes of all kinds to show their school spirit. Each day had a new theme for everyone to show off their creativity, and they...

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An evening full of spooky fun. South Forsyth High School hosts its annual Trunk or Treat event for families in the community in order to encourage a safe environment for the kids. The kids were beyond estastic to visit each trunk and play their game to win some extra candy.

South Forsyth High School Hosts its Annual Trunk-or-Treat

Shree Delwadia and Naisha Roy November 2, 2021

South Forsyth High School students and teachers filled the East Hall bus lanes as they decorated their trunks, filled buckets of candy and prepared various activities for the annual Trunk or Treat. SFHS...

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Episode 2: Galas and Ghosts

Naisha Roy and Saahithya Gutta October 29, 2021

Thya and Naisha discuss two of the scariest events in a highschooler's life: Homecoming and Halloween. Although they can be fun events, both of them come with their fair share of twists and...

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Couple Costumes

Shree Delwadia, Editor-In-Chief October 28, 2019

Since Halloween is around the corner, a great date night activity is going trick-or-treating together. There are a multitude of costumes to select from for you and your significant other and below are...

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Spooky season. Halloween is an annual tradition in the United States and many people purchase expensive costumes, increasing sales  for costume stores. However, Party City is not the only place to purchase a costume; DIY costumes are an easy way to save money and still have a killer costume!

Easy Halloween Costumes – A guide for students, by students

Naisha Roy, Shree Delwadia, and Maggie Craig October 27, 2019

Whether it's visiting a haunted house with friends, trick-or-treating around the neighborhood or having a party, Halloween is a holiday for every age. While most teens don't typically go around door-to-door...

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South creates safe environment for 3rd annual Trunk or Treat

South creates safe environment for 3rd annual Trunk or Treat

Alyssa Freyman, Editor-in-chief October 30, 2018

Children race from one display to the next, trying to gather as much candy as possible. Trunks are decorated with Halloween decorations, some with games that can be played. Everyone is wearing a costume,...

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DECA used decorations to display the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas." Children could play a tossing game.

South Forsyth High School hosts 2nd annual Trunk or Treat

Alyssa Freyman, Editor-in-chief October 27, 2017

On October 26th, South Forsyth High School celebrated their second annual Trunk or Treat, which was held by the Student Government Association. Clubs came to the bus lanes at school and decorated the...

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Photo via 3268zauber under Creative Commons license.

The BEST horror movies for Halloween

Brooke Eldridge, Opinions and Arts and Entertainment Editor October 23, 2017

It's that time of year again. The leaves are falling, the wind is howling, and the Halloween movies are rising from the dead! It's Halloween season, October, my favorite time of the year. Why? Not only...

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