Student opinions on redistricting

The frustration with Forsyth County Schools redistricting high schools and elementary schools is an ongoing situation for both students and specific neighborhoods. A new high school called Denmark is arriving to Forsyth next school year, 2018-2019, and in order to populate the new school, The Board of Education has decided to set certain, overpopulated schools to be districted to Denmark to even out the population. The schools who will be effected are Lambert High, South Forsyth High, West Forsyth High, Chattahoochee Elementary, Chestatee Elementary, and Silver City Elementary. This will relieve the traffic jams going to school everyday for South Forsyth, lessen the crowds in the halls, decrease the amount of students who arrive late to class, and lessen the number of students in each classroom.

The current map for Forsyth County shows the specific neighborhoods and streets that will either be redistricted to Denmark or staying at South. Click the link below to view the redistricting map 17-18:


However, despite the positives of the change, many students have their opinions on the way the Board of Education  is handling the situation. A few students had been interviewed about the topic, some who are attending Denmark next year and some who are staying at South:

“I think it’s going to a good, new experience and the technology will be more advanced. However, there will probably be a limited amount of resources because its a new school, but overall I’m pretty excited.” An attending freshman at South, Mohammed Saad, stated in his interview about the ups and downs of the change.

“I’m excited on it because it will be a change and I love change. I’m also excited to see how the environment of the school will be like and the school is closer to my house than South. Going to South takes me 20 minutes and now it won’t take as long to get to school, so I can have more time to sleep in!” Stated Cassie Ortiz, a 10th grader, presumably excited about the redistricting.

“I’m excited to go to Denmark because a mix of schools are going like South and West and Lambert and I’m also excited because all of my close friends are going too.” A freshman at South, Natalie Mattson, stated in her interview about her friends being together in the same school and possibly the same classes.

“Stupid. I could walk to school if I wanted, it’s that close! I live in Creekstone and that’s closer to South than Longlake and they’re districted to south but my neighborhood isn’t. I can stay however because my older brother is going to be a senior next year, but after that I can’t.” Grant Simpson, a current freshman at South, proclaimed in dislike about the issue.

“The redistricting doesn’t apply to me because I’m a rising senior but it does suck for the people who live really close to the school and are being switched to a school that could possibly be farther.” A junior of South, Anesa Husicic announced about the effect on others and not specifically on her.

Overall, it’s a different combination of opinions and reasons. Some people liked the idea of change and attending a new school because of the new experience, yet others proclaimed they did not like this change and didn’t want it to happen. However, all the people who disliked the redistricting change, were all people who would be staying at South, the people who are actually being redistricted and going to Denmark next year are excited with a little concerns.