Student athletes shouldn’t be required to take physical education
Student Athletes are required to take physical education which is causing them to be over worked.
September 20, 2017
Student athletes are always being challenged and in my opinion, needing to do more than necessary. Student athletes are found all around the school every season of the year. There are many different sports that people participate in throughout the school year including football, swim team, lacrosse and more. With people having to have to keep up with academics and their athletics it can become very stressful and becomes a source of anxiety for these students. With the continuous workouts,games, and practices students need more time concluding the fact that, student athletes should not have to take physical education.
Student athletes spend many hours a week at their practices and games and this can cause stress as you are unable to spend as much time completing homework or studying for assignments. This is why student athletes should be able to get the credit for physical education and should be able to spend the time that they would be taking this class as a study hall. With a study hall it would provide students with time to complete homework or study for assignments. It takes me about 2-3 hours to complete my homework and study for tests and quizzes. I am a freshman, so I can only imagine that the work load just gets heavier and tougher as you advance grades. Also, I have not started my sport yet, so if it takes me multiple hours to complete daily homework without having practice every day after school and games weekly. This can cause the ability to not be able to get the sleep needed for a young person like someone in high school. Teens are supposed to sleep 9-10 hours every night however this can be hindered by the amount of homework or the amount of time spent at a sport. Student athletes are also in the fitness zone needed when taking physical education. Majority of the athletes are doing substantially more work at their games or practices then they would be doing in a classical PE class. The PE class just providing a greater strain on the student’s bodies.
Now some people might argue that being a student athlete is a choice and that you don’t need to play a sport. This is a true statement however many students are not academically inclined causing them to need to focus on sports to be able to get into a college. By providing these people with study hall they would have more time to work on academics and also have time to work on their sport.
In conclusion is this why student athletes should not have to take physical education. Students are provided with extra stress and are being overworked. Students should be allowed to get their coaches to sign a form exempting them from PE and still cause them to get the credit or should not have the credit be required for graduation.
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