How to handle Endgame spoilers
Spoilers everywhere. In today’s society, it is very difficult to completely avoid spoilers and important plot points about Avengers: Endgame. However, there are techniques and methods to ensure a spoiler-free viewing experience.
May 18, 2019
According to IMDb, Avengers: Endgame (often simply referred to as Endgame) is currently the most popular movie out right now and is breaking box office records. It should be no surprise that Endgame is one of biggest movies being talked about right now as the finale movie to the Third Phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, as the grand finale to wrap up all loose ties from the recent previous Marvel movies, there are bound to be many spoilers for those who have not seen this movie yet. Not to worry; this article will be spoiler-free for those who have not seen Endgame.
Avoiding spoilers for new movies is a common, almost everyday challenge for most people. However, Endgame has proven to be a special case as a huge majority of the film is packed with unexpected twists. People are constantly discussing the movie with their friends. The scriptwriters of Endgame even placed an official “spoiler ban” that ended May 6th for audiences who have not seen the movie. Even after the ban was lifted, the spoiler talk dilemma became so widespread that it is now a “meme” among younger people – who handle it in their own way. If you surf on the internet, chances are you will have heard many ridiculous and humorous “fake spoilers” about the events of the movie.
However, for many others, this particular method has been found to be very annoying rather than helpful. Even though the “fake spoilers” are meant to hide the true spoilers, there are still many fans who do not want to hear any spoilers – whether they are false or not. Several cases of assault have occurred due to moviegoers shouting out spoilers and plot points as they walked out of the theater. Even worse, the internet is overflowing with both fake and real spoilers about Endgame since the “spoiler ban” was lifted. There are is nowhere safe as people surf in chatrooms, social media, or Youtube; spoilers are everywhere.
“Honestly, there was a specific ban on spoilers for Endgame and if you haven’t seen it by [the lifting of the ban], it is very difficult to expect to see this movie for the first time completely blind,” said sophomore Kristine Yin.
One of the best ways to avoid spoilers is to stay away from the internet entirely. This may be seen as rather extreme by some people, but in order to avoid all spoilers for Endgame, real or fake, this is one of the most foolproof methods for doing so. If this is impossible to do, then there are ways to mute topics or keywords related to Endgame on social media. However, the best option is to simply stay away from websites that update constantly from media sources.
“I do not want to be spoiled for Endgame. I think the fake spoilers are supposed to be fun but both sides of the spoilers and the spoiled tend to take the situation too far,” said sophomore Pritesh Rajyaguru.
To avoid spoilers in non-virtual society, there are some people who have avoided interacting with people altogether. A simpler solution is to warn friends beforehand that you have not seen Endgame, so that they do not mention any spoilers during a conversation. A common frustration for some people is when they overhear a loud group of fans who have seen the movie and are discussing it nearby. If walking away from earshot is not an option, it is handy to always carry earphones or earplugs around at all times so that you can block out hearing any potential spoilers from others.
Although the hype of Endgame will not last forever, there is no doubt that the movie has left a huge cultural impression on society and will remain a topic to talk about for a long time. These precautions are just a few ways to help those who have not seen Endgame have an enjoyable viewing-experience of the movie.