Tips for rising Freshman: an interview with Mrs. MacAllaster
Future Freshmen. Students all over the county are choosing their classes for the upcoming year. The eigth-graders had the opportunity to select which classes they are going to take their first year in high school. “It was so fun and cool to walk in the high school,” said Angela, a middle-schooler from Lakeside. “I hope I have a good time in it.”
March 5, 2019
Class registration is beginning, and the 2019-2020 school year is right around the corner. As freshmen, it is important to make the right decisions to start a high school career with the right balance. Mrs. MacAllaster shares her tips and insight to make sure freshman year is as successful as it can be.
Q: What is the most important thing that incoming freshman need to know?
A: They should look closely at the courses they take so that they are ensuring balance in the core and elective courses they choose to take. If a student has a balanced schedule, then he/she is more likely to join a club, organization, or athletic team. Research shows that the more that students get involved in extracurricular activities, the more engaged they will be in school and the happier they will be as well.
Q: What were some of the reactions of the teachers/students after the tours?
A: The middle school Assistant Principals and teachers said that there was definitely a positive buzz from the student body upon returning to their respective school. The students liked getting to talk to tour guides that have already had the experience of transitioning to high school and seeing the campus and getting to walk around made them feel more comfortable and confident for next school year.
Q: What are some of the best parts of becoming a freshman next year—especially with the new academies and new pathways?
A: The best part about being a freshman next year is that they get the opportunity to come to one of the best schools in the nation. Additionally, they get to join the War Eagle family and will have lots of opportunities to join in on the fun we have here every day. We truly have one of the best student body groups around, so we want our rising 9th graders to take every opportunity to become engaged with the offerings we have here on campus both in academics and extracurriculars. Yes, we will have new pathways and that is very exciting, but the academics, to me, will be a really exciting part for all students next year. With our SOAR (9th-grade academy), the students will be able to explore the other passion academies we have set up for their 10th and 11th-grade years. They will get to join a smaller group of students who have like-minded interests, so they will hopefully be able to see connections in their learning and will get to build relationships with other students and teachers who also are passionate about the same things.
The most important part of being a freshman is to relax and to enjoy high school; it is important to join clubs and participate in school activities. South Forsyth provides several opportunities for freshmen to cultivate their creativity and leadership skills, and the introduction of the new pathway programs will provide students a chance to develop their interests and work with other students who have the same passions.