
Naisha Roy and Shree Delwadia


Naisha Roy and Shree Delwadia
Students have over 5 or 6 options for lunch each day, including pizza, salads, chicken, pasta, and more.

Most every high school student cannot wait for lunch! At South, there are 4 lunch periods and each lunch is about 20 minutes long. The Dining Hall provides many different lunch areas such as a pizzeria, traditional, garden spot, international, and on the grill. Like in middle school, you have to type in your student number to purchase lunch. There are many microwaves around the cafeteria if you would like to warm up your food. During lunch, South has a school store called the Bird Cage. The school store has warm cookies, drinks, popcorn, candy, school spirit items, and much more!

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Lunch is a great time to hang out with my friends and connect with them! During lunch, there are also other activites such as college visits or raffles.

— Aasha Kodukula

Naisha Roy and Shree Delwadia
The Birdcage. Here, students can get school spirit items, chips, mac and cheese, and cookies that taste like heaven. The Birdcage is a program supported by the Marketing pathway at South.

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