The command center. The White House is the building where all the important governmental and presidential topics are conversated and decided. The man that wanted to atttack the White House was taken into federal custody based on the severity of his plan. (Used from Flickr with Permission from Hannah Rosen)
The command center. The White House is the building where all the important governmental and presidential topics are conversated and decided. The man that wanted to atttack the White House was taken into federal custody based on the severity of his plan.

Used from Flickr with Permission from Hannah Rosen

Student Voices: The Planned Attack on the White House

January 31, 2019

Last week, a man from Cumming, Georgia, was accused of having plans to attack the white house and several other buildings in Washington. Even though no attack was made, 21-year old Hasher Taheb had developed a plan for attacking the White House. This is not the first time the authorities have had to intervene with Taheb about breaking legal laws or affecting the society. FBI Officers and the U.S Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia arrested Taheb after a year-long investigation and with the help of undercover agents. 

Based off of multiple sources from WBSTV, the 21-year-old’s plan for trouble was quite elaborate. In December of 2018, he had a series of meetings with undercover agents about the white house building and its layout, different weapons, and explosives he wanted to purchase, ways to access the White House without intercepting the National Guard and other security personnel, and how he sought to widen his target. After these confidential meetings, his planned attack on the White House and other U.S symbolic buildings was supposed to be on January 17th. However, before any part of this attack could occur, undercover agents planned to meet up with Taheb. This meeting was the one that brought him into custody or imprisonment. He was brought into custody on January 16th of 2019. Despite the fact that he did not harm anyone with his planned attack, the intent of his actions to plant a danger in society was enough to get him imprisoned. 

Based on his earlier encounters with the police, many of his neighbors were already questioning Taheb and his actions. Some Forsyth County residents were terrified living next to someone who could possibly put their lives in danger. All of this began when Taheb was first reported to the police after driving over a neighbor’s leg and smoking marijuana in a public area. The people of Forsyth were worried about what might happen next. In response to the planned attack, students at South Forsyth High School voiced his or her opinions about how this attack will affect Georgia, and what the future may look like. 

More information about the incident can be found here.

About the Writers
Shree Delwadia, Editor-In-Chief
Shree Delwadia is excited to be part of The Bird Feed as a senior! This year is her fourth year on staff, and she cannot wait to take on her new responsibilities as the Editor-In-Chief. By working on the staff as a writer and an editor, she has learned a variety of communication, teamwork, and accountability skills that she will take on to other roles in her life. At school, she is a part of MDJunior, Beta Club, and UNICEF.  In her spare time, she loves spending time with her friends and family or discovering new things to do. Two of her ride-or-die tv shows are Grey’s Anatomy and Friends. Moreover, Shree has a strong interest in medicine and hopes to pursue a career in healthcare one day. You can contact her via twitter @ShreeDBirdFeed or using her email [email protected].

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