Reviewing Black Friday deals for teens
Photo used from Flickr by Bill Ward under Creative Commons license
Early campers. During Black Friday, people come early and camp outside the store to be one of the first people inside the store when the sale begins. Black Friday begun many years ago, and it is a day where everyone shops for special deals or items.
November 16, 2018
Black Friday is right around the corner. In order to save big on items, many look at some of the deals ahead of time. Various people are excitedly awaiting the day of Black Friday to see the different items put on sale.
“My favorite part about Black Friday shopping is waiting outside in long weather as my hair blows across my face,” said freshman Harshi Brahmbhatt. ¨Despite the cold temperature, it´s fun to stand in line with my friends and catch up with them. I get a happy feeling inside when I see the chaos in the stores and the excellent sales that the store is offering.¨
The ThingLink below highlights some items for teens to buy this Black Friday. Hover over some of the blank Scrabble tiles below to learn more about some special deals for teens this holiday season. For more information about products or deals during Black Friday, check out the Walmart Ad, Target Ad, or the JCPenney Ad.
Photo used from Flickr by Marco Verch under Creative Commons license. Made from ThingLink by Shree Delwadia.