Trunk or Treat! SFHS’s Unique Twist on Halloween
On Thursday, October 27th, South Forsyth High School celebrates their annual Trunk or Treat. The Trunk or Treat is meant to gather the community together while involving the clubs and organizations of South.
November 5, 2022
The crisp autumn air and the excited chatter of little children spread across the bus lanes of South Forsyth High School (SFHS) during their annual Trunk-or-Treat celebration. SFHS Student Council hosted the event on Oct. 27th, four days before Halloween.
SFHS celebrates Trunk-or-Treat for the younger members of the community, as it gives them a safe place to wear their costumes and trick or treat by allowing parents to easily watch over their kids while still giving the children the opportunity to run around and have their own fun. Trunk-or-Treat ultimately provides an alternative solution for children of parents who may not be able to supervise them on Halloween.

Trunk-or-Treat consisted of a multitude of different clubs sporting trunks with themes ranging from pirates to the Wild West. Clubs such as FBLA and DECA constructed neon and America-themed trunks respectively, while clubs like the National Spanish Honor Society stuck to more festive themes like Dia de Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead.
With almost 20 different organizations in attendance, spirits were high as miniature zombies, fairies and even minions zoomed around trying to collect as much candy as physically possible. Each trunk consisted of colorful decorations, a fun game or activity, and of course, lots of candy. Representatives from each club passed out candy, managed fun games for the kids and talked about which costumes they loved best.
Over the past couple years, Trunk or Treat has grown incredibly popular and has become an annual favorite for all that attend the event. Leah McGray, an AP U.S. History teacher, originally introduced the idea of bringing Trunk-or-Treat to South. According to McGray, when she first brought Trunk-or-Treat to South Forsyth, the only other school in the county to host a similar event was North Forsyth High School.
McGray mentioned that she wanted, “the southern end of the county to have the option to invite the community together.”
The event became a part of the United at South Movement, which McGray describes as a group of students who came together to showcase their love of their school and their community.

The event quickly gained popularity and “continued every year because we get such a big group that comes out and we want to give back to the community.”
Not only did Trunk or Treat allow younger students to run around and have fun in a safe environment, but it also gave parents the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about what their child’s near future may look like.
With many high school students in attendance representing a variety of clubs, parents received the opportunity to ask questions about the different extracurriculars offered at South. Trunk or Treat also provided high school students with the opportunity to get comfortable talking to new people.
Similarly, high schoolers who were volunteering at the event got the opportunity to interact with members of clubs with trunks that seemed interesting to them and were able to learn more about a variety of different clubs.
Overall, the event in general was a huge success, providing a fun, safe time for the children in our community. Parents and children alike continued to rave about the fun they had while participating in the Trunk-or-Treat event, making this year’s one of the best yet.
Check out the gallery to see more pictures of Trunk-or-Treat!