An open letter to politics as a moderate
Used with permission from Markus Spicke
Save our Future. With the Presidential election fast approaching on November 3rd, US citizens wonder who’s hands the future of the country will fall. Many people felt the hostility given the turmoil that developed over the past few months.
November 1, 2020
Dear United States Politics,
This election year is one of the most important election years, as it can bring huge waves of change in our nation, both positive and negative. As we all know, politics has quickly become one of the most dividing forces in our nation. This year marks the first year I can vote in any election, and given this division between the nation, I’m not excited to vote. Not only has our nation come to the point where people have to “settle” for a presidential candidate, but citizens can feel forced to choose between “the lesser of two evils”.
As I have gotten older, I have begun educating myself in politics; I see this as a civic duty to my nation to ensure I vote for who I believe will lead our nation the best. Political party affiliation is not a deciding factor on whether or not I choose to support a candidate. If they align the closest to my beliefs and opinions, I do not mind voting across parties. Not many people agree with this philosophy though. A candidate’s character is the most important value I look for when forming my opinions on political leaders, not their party affiliation. With these beliefs, I have concluded that I identify on the spectrum of politics as a moderate and a slight libertarian. As a libertarian, I believe that the national government regulates issues that states could regulate by the states. What sets me apart from most libertarians is that I do believe a strong national government is absolutely necessary for our society rather than a more state-heavy government. When looking at both the Republican and Democrat parties, I believe I closely identify as a moderate because my economic views are more conservative, but my views on social and human rights issues in our nation are more liberal.
Due to my beliefs, I cannot fit fully into the liberal party and I cannot fit fully in the conservative party either. There is no place in our nation for moderately skewed individuals. The voting process as a whole confined me to one of two parties: Democrat or Republican. Our nation was founded fundamentally on freedom, justice and equality, which gives us the ability to voice our opinions freely from the government. The government promotes the idea of political beliefs operating on a spectrum, but suddenly that idea disappears when finding a place for moderates. For years, there is a constant battle between red and blue, but what if you identify as a shade of purple? Do we just get thrown to the wayside because our beliefs are deemed as less radical than most?
My generation (Generation Z) is now the upcoming generation of new voters, and we are different when compared to past generations. We quickly adapt to social media and the technology world. Generation Z is one of the most connected generations with the use of technology, while simultaneously being one of the most disconnected generations. We can follow and interact with people that live across the globe in seconds. At the same time, it is common to live your life on social media, constantly anticipating your next post. When we post on social media, we broadcast to the entire world what we’re thinking and feeling. Anyone can access these views, and when this is paired with the lack of tolerance in our nation, thus creating the “Cancel Culture” environment.
“Cancel Culture” has now bled through social media and into our nation’s politics. People find themselves “canceled” for past mistakes in social media and their political beliefs. Many influencers of all platforms that are both right and left-leaning voice their opinions on various issues receive death threats and hate comments for their political beliefs; is this the kind of division you want to promote in a nation that is built on life, liberty, and freedom?
For generations, the old saying rings true once again, “There are three things you shouldn’t talk about: religion, politics, and money.” Instead of accepting this to be a sad truth of our nation, why don’t we promote tolerance and acceptance for all differences in our country?
With concern, Grace Drawdy
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this piece belong solely to their respective author(s). They do not represent the opinions of South Forsyth High School or Forsyth County Schools.