Breaking News: Trump tests positive for COVID-19


Photo used from William Birch via Flickr under fair use

Testing positive. On October 2nd, President Trump and the First Lady went public about their positive test. Due to this new information, many citizens feared the future of the 2020 Presidential Campaign. Thankfully, the President returned to the Oval Office this week returned to his duties.

Grace Drawdy, Editor-in-Chief

On October 2nd, 2020, the President of the United States, Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, tested positive for COVID-19. 

The release of the President and First Lady’s positive test results took the nation by shock. After spending the prior evening at the first presidential debate on October 1st, 2020, media outlets announced Trump was symptomatic of the virus. Medical officials transported the president to Walter Reed Medical Center for medical care the following day. The president reported he was “feeling good” and hoping to return to the Oval Office shortly. Four days later, on October 6th, he returned to the White House with reported full stamina, ready to return to his presidential duties. Many people question his return to the Oval Office since the CDC Guidelines require people who test positive for COVID-19 to quarantine for a minimum of 14 days. 

In response to the President’s positive test, the Democrat Presidential Nominee, Joe Biden, tweeted shortly after. He wished a speedy recovery for the Trump family and stated he was awaiting the results from his COVID-19 test. Biden and his wife reportedly tested negative for the virus. Many other world leaders wished him a speedy recovery, including Israel, Britain, Russia, India, and the European Union. Also in light of the President’s diagnosis, Presidential Candidate Biden suspended negative ad campaigns since he was unable to campaign while in recovery. 


Despite the President’s positive diagnosis, the 2020 Presidential campaign continues to move forward. Many citizens felt uncertain about the future of the 2020 Presidential Campaign, and many political leaders struggled with the next step to determine how the campaign will look following Trump’s diagnosis. Despite these new developments, the Vice Presidential debate scheduled for October 5th ran smoothly; however, the second presidential debate was cancelled due to the President’s diagnosis and recovery.