SFHS students and FBLA members host blood drive

Shree Delwadia

Recruting all around. FBLA members and members from the American Red Cross organization were in the main hall atrium recruiting many blood donors. Students also had the opportunity to learn more information about donating blood.

Shree Delwadia and Lisa Holiday

Currently, the American Red Cross is suffering from a major blood crisis. With less than a five day supply of blood on hand, the organization is looking for those who would like to donate blood. Red Cross provides about half of the United States’ blood needed to help those with illnesses, those in surgery, and those who are victims of certain accidents. Even though all blood types are appreciated, the current crisis is for Type O positive and negative since this is known as the universal blood type. Type O blood is used mostly every single day to help fight off life-threatening infections or conditions. Therefore, having a readily supply of any type of blood is hand is essential to the survival of many patients who are enduring life-threatening procedures. 

The American Red Cross is a voluntary service guided by a board of directors. Red Cross’ mission is to provide aid for any person in need of blood; this includes people in the military, veterans, or any person who needs help. Red Cross does not discriminate or refuse to help any person. Blood drives are hosted by Red Cross where generous volunteers donate their blood, thus saving lives in the future.

Shree Delwadia
The blood drop. The school’s blood drop engaged with students during their Flex time to encourage their donation of blood. Students also snapped many selfies with the blood drop to share the news about the need for blood donations.

South Forsyth High Schools’s students and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) organizations took the initiative and hosted a blood drive on campus to support the American Red Cross organization. SFHS FBLA is an organization designed for business and computer science students; the club encompasses a variety of competitions, unique leadership positions, and many different community service opportunities. 

Minakshi Shivananda
Donation in Progress. SFHS set up booths in Room 156 to accommodate the variety of blood donors. Many teachers, students, and other faculty donated blood to help support the major blood crisis.

The blood drive lasted two days, January 29th and 30th, at 8:15 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Students 16 and older could not only volunteer to help out in the blood drive, but they were also given the opportunity to donate blood.

FBLA members helped the blood drive by recruiting blood donors during lunch. Additionally, during Flex Time, the ‘blood drop’ was walking around the campus, taking selfies with students and teachers and encouraging them to donate blood.

“I’ve always wanted to donate blood to help out others, but I could never before because I was in a foreign country,” said senior Rishitha Cheemarla. “I was very excited to participate in the blood drive this year.”

Those scheduled to donate blood were told to eat food rich in iron, as well as stay rested and hydrated the night before. After donating blood, the blood drive provided snacks and other beverages to its donors to show gratitude for their donation and to help them stay healthy.

With donors ranging from admin and teachers to even SFHS students, the blood drive was quite successful as it received several donors.

“We are pleased to say that we had 64 people signed up to donate blood and several students volunteer from both the SFHS Red Cross club and FBLA,” said Shivani Murugapiran, FBLA Deputy VP of Community Service.