South Forsyth’s FBLA wins region
Photo used with permission by Anisha Prashanth
Another year. South Forsyth’s FBLA chapter wins the Region Sweepstakes for the 6th year in a row. SFHS students (from left to right) sophomore Ayush Gundawar, junior Harshini Kavalakuntla, junior Tharini R.K., sophomore Abhishek Pasupuleti, sophomore Rohit Gogi, sophomore Abhinav Pasupuleti, and sophomore Tanvi Alluri attended the Region Leadership Conference on January 14th along with FBLA advisor, Mrs. Yonk.
February 24, 2020
South Forsyth’s FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) chapter continued their six-year winning streak at the Region Sweepstakes. The Region Sweepstakes is the first level of the FBLA competition. The region consisted of all Forsyth and Hall County High Schools, and students competed in various events such as testing, prepared presentations (team or individual), and submissions. Twenty-nine South Forsyth students brought home the gold as they placed 1st in their events.

“We grew slightly this year to 411 student members,” FBLA’s teacher sponsor, Mrs. Yonk, said. “We had 270+ students compete in some events for RLC and about 140 traveled to NFHS for the competition and awards on January 14th.”
Many of the students who qualified for state are planning to attend the State Leadership Conference, a state FBLA competition where high school students around Georgia convene in Atlanta to compete in a multitude of events as well as participate in various leadership workshops.
Sophomore Swetha Pendela, who placed first in the Hospitality Management event, explained, “I was very overjoyed with my accomplishment and I am excited to go to state. To prepare for my event, I used the resources that our amazing and dedicated sponsor, Mrs. Yonk provided such as hospitality textbooks and competition university. I am feeling very honored to represent my school and throw a positive light on South Forsyth.”
Over 80 students at South Forsyth met the requirements to compete at the State Leadership Conference. They continue to prepare and study for their events in hopes of bringing home a win to represent SFHS.
“I am planning to go to SLC,” freshman winner Vikranth Bellamkonda enthused. “I wouldn’t miss such an amazing opportunity. I’m a little pressured to do well in SLC, but I know my team will work hard, and we’ll do the best we possibly can.”
Mrs. Yonk says, “Hopefully, our students will practice and study very well so they can compete at the highest level. Although we have been the GA Chapter of the Year for 3 years in a row, we have finished second in the competition to one other high school. We always hope to see all of our students do well and grow through the competition experience which helps our chapter as a whole do well and earn recognition.”