Growing Through Grief: Living With the Stages of Grief
Whether it’s the loss of a loved one or an opportunity, grief is a very common emotion and something everyone has to experience at some point in their lives. Bird Feed staffers discuss the stages of grief, as well as their own personal experiences working through the process to find hope again.
February 13, 2025

About the Contributors

Zoe Phelps, Audio Lab Director
Zoe Phelps is a senior at South Forsyth high school, and this is her second year in journalism. She has loved writing since she was a kid, so she is really looking forward to writing and getting involved with The Bird feed again this year. She is an inducted thespian through South Forsyth’s theater program. She does aerial silks outside of school and has been training and performing for five years. In her free time she likes to crochet, write, make jewelry, play games, and listen to music. Her favorite bands are Pierce the veil, TVgirl, Maroon5, and Gorillaz. She also loves a good movie or TV show, her favorite movies are Scott Pilgrim Vs the world and The Labyrinth. Her goal for this year at The Bird Feed is to win an award for one of her articles or podccasts and to grow as a writer!

Ayati Yadav, Staff Writer
Ayati Yadav is a sophomore at South Forsyth High School, and this is her second year writing for The Bird Feed. She is so excited to be coming back as a staff writer and even more thrilled to make amazing memories with everyone. Ayati is more than ready to continue writing opinions and feature articles on various topics she enjoys. She loves watching videos, binge-watching Netflix shows, styling her hair, writing, doing debate, and spending quality time with her friends. She looks forward to having the opportunity to interact with new people and explore new experiences. She loves to play flag football with her school team, compete in national debate competitions, and one day Ayati hopes to pursue a profession in law. She adores talking to new people and making new friends, so don’t be scared to say hello!