Burning Existence
January 18, 2023
Burning into existence
Stifling when we’re lit –
It takes a second.
But, when we’re there,
We burst with energy.
Inferno trickles golden-
In its primest time,
It swells with pride
And stands its tallest.
Its reddening fingers
lunge for the skies
Trying hard
To shine the brightest.
The wind may blow;
It flickers
For just a heartbeat,
Or an hour
But soon rises,
once again,
And cripples the wind.
but at some point,
Its passion melts,
It trickles down,
The light slowly dims
As the wax
starts to shrink,
It wanes away,
lined with the scars of wisdom
Holding it back.
What was once pure yellow light
Is deeper mixed with blue
And lines of red
And an orangish hue.
Its ash and smoke
And remnants of light
cascade throughout the now dim room.
Its as if the fire lives on,
The fire will spark another one.
The fire will spread,
Only for it to burn out and leave its mark
Time and time again.