Going Back to the ‘Gilmore Girls’: Fall Fashion Inspo from Your Favorite Cozy Show
Going Back To The Gilmore Girls/Nidhi Varada/The Birdfeed
Stay in style this fall with these Gilmore-Girls inspired looks!
November 16, 2022
With temperatures steadily dropping and leaves plummeting, Fall is in full swing now. The urge to bundle up and stay cozy is stronger than ever, and what better way to do that than to grab a cup of coffee and stay up watching our favorite 2000s fall show, “Gilmore Girls.”
The cozy small town vibe of Stars Hollow is the key to romanticizing the dreary, dull weather that we’re forecasted to face for the rest of the season. This show is also the epitome of Autumn attire with its warm knits and layered outfits that we still don today.
This season’s trends are bound to be as addictive as coffee is to our main characters.
The Season for Sweaters
“Gilmore Girls” embraces all that is chilly – from the cool breeze, to the snow, and even Emily’s snide remarks at the dinner table. But with embracing the cold also comes the show’s iconic warm knitwear to shield from the wintry weather. Throughout the show, we consistently see sweaters in the outfits of Rory, played by Alexis Bledel, and Lorelai, played by Lauren Graham. Whether it’s a quick stop at Luke’s Diner or an impromptu road trip, sweaters are main elements of the Gilmore girls’ wardrobes.
We’re introduced to our first comfy knit during the pilot episode when we see 16-year-old Rory in her classic oversized white sweater – an indispensable feature of 90s fall styles. She pairs it with some straight, dark blue jeans and black converse. However, we can spot knitwear in a lot of the Gilmore Girls’ iconic outfits. Another notable example of a warm knit is Lorelai’s brown wool turtleneck sweater which she chose to style with a leather jacket and a brown pencil skirt. Both of these 2000s ensembles are still considered fashionable today.
This fall, we’re seeing scores of those combinations, especially with striped Brianna sweaters and the addition of black miniskirts and a pair of sheer tights. Another way that this year’s autumn is celebrating wool is with the usage of sweater vests. Sweater vests with jeans, with skirts, with a shirt underneath – we’re seeing it all.
Likelihood of Layering
In fact, knitwear isn’t the only way we’re seeing 90s fashion looks being implemented. 90s trends were also utilized in the character’s tendencies to layer their garments. Whether in cardigans, which we see Lorelai sport consistently during her mother’s formal events, or even frequently in the outfits of Lane Kim, played by Keiko Agena, with black long sleeve tees underneath a shirt, layering is a technique used continuously amongst the characters of Gilmore Girls.
Lane’s black long sleeved t-shirts are a classic staple in the character’s wardrobe. When wearing one of her favorite band’s shirts, a black tee underneath was almost always expected from Lane’s outfits – an inclination that makes her style uniquely hers. A different occurrence when she layered her garms was when she was trying to hide her outfit choices from her mom in episode 3 of season 3. In this episode, she wears a yellow shirt saying “trust god” when leaving the house. She then arrives at the destination of her secret date – away from the prying eyes of her mother – and throws on another layer to conceal the bright shirt below, an antic that would have her grounded for weeks if her mother somehow caught wind of it.
This season, layering is most definitely important whether you’re hiding from your mother or not. Whether it be the simple addition of a coat to stay warm against the harsh wind or a turtleneck underneath a sweater vest or t-shirt, layering is here to stay.
Staying in Style
Following Gilmore Girls fashion is the easiest way to ensure that your fit for this season stays fresh and forward. As contradictory as it sounds to use a 2000s show to remain up to date on today’s Fall fashion, it’s a straightforward method to stay trendy during this autumn season.
Fall can be bleak sometimes, as it’s the transition from a radiant summer to a bitter winter, but hopefully this insight on how the past ties up with our present can make the fashion aspect of that change a little lighter.