SFHS celebrates the Hispanic Heritage

Shree Delwadia

Celebrating Hispanic cultures. South Forsyth students and teachers honor their Hispanic peers during Hispanic Heritage Week. Faculty and students had the opportunity to participate in multiple events and presentations.

This year, the month of October is dedicated to celebrating Hispanic Heritage. Hispanic Heritage Month commemorates the cultures of Hispanic and Latino Americans. Throughout the month, many organizations and affiliations hold different celebrations and activities to share and admire the achievements, contributions, and history of the Hispanic society.

SFHS Spanish Honor Society hosted a Hispanic Heritage Week highlighting the many Hispanic cultures at South Forsyth. Before the week began, the club decorated the halls with colorful designs to promote Hispanic Heritage Month. During IF, teachers presented a Google Slides presentation to showcase the impact of Hispanic culture in the United States. The presentation also featured SFHS faculty members and alumni with Hispanic roots, revealing their pride for their culture. Riddled with upbeat Latin music and bright pictures, the presentation engaged students, teaching them about the importance of Hispanic heritage and the culture. 

Piñatas all around. Students enjoy making their own piñatas to enjoy with their friends. Many Spanish classrooms had a variety of pinatas designs. (Used with permission from Doctora Green)

“Spanish Honor Society is passing out piñatas to all the Spanish classes and we are handing out candy on Friday after school!” said senior Spanish National Honor Society Officer Makenna Segal .

Furthermore, Spanish teachers at South worked to incorporate different aspects of Hispanic culture within their daily class lessons. For example, SFHS AP Spanish teacher Dra. Green educated her students about the importance of honoring Hispanic contributions within society.

“We created piñatas, celebrated pictures of customs and traditions, decorated the hallways, and participated in our Hispanic links and activities through IF,” stated Dra. Green.

With the diverse population at South, people are learning more about different cultures every day. Students also celebrated Hispanic Heritage week outside of school with their families by watching different Hispanic videos and cooking different cultural foods.

“I’d say Hispanic culture is a part of me because it affects a majority of my life. The food I eat, my family members, and the way I was raised are all deeply rooted in Hispanic heritage,” said sophomore Micheal Vega. “Personally, my family is Mexican so it means a lot of Mexican traditions and customs persist even in my American household.” 

Entering a week of celebration. Students enter the school building, greeted by different signs and decorations representing Hispanic Heritage Week at South. This celebration led to many students learning more about the diverse culture around them. (Used with permission from Valeria Perez and Mel Pacheco)

South Forsyth also promoted Hispanic Heritage Week through their Instagram and Twitter accounts. Throughout the week, they posted information about the different events and competitions students could participate in to earn some prizes. For example, many students participated in the Frijoles Guessing Jar competition. The winner of the competition was junior Abby Lynnette; she received a creative taco t-shirt as a prize!

At the end of the week, students experienced a Grab and Go Fiesta, commemorating the end of Hispanic Heritage Week. As students left the building, individuals were handing out candies from Latino countries and decorative bracelets for all to enjoy. 

SFHS showcased their appreciation for Hispanic heritage throughout the week and brought many cultural stories to the forefront. Although the week is over, we continue to celebrate the history and culture of the Hispanic community living in the United States.